t baby names

TERRIFIC Old Fashioned Baby Names that start with T. These T baby names for boys and girls are totally vintage and at least 100 years old. The list of antique baby names below reflects the full name, year of birth, and where the person was born.

f . Tabby . Smith. b. 1828. GA.

f . Tabitha . Clayton. b. 1847. SC.

m. Talbot . Kelley. b. 1852. TN.

m. Talcott . Hull. b. 1863. NY.

f . Talia . Smith. b. 1828. VA.

f . Talitha . Bellinger. b. 1817. SC.

f . Talula . Cochran. b. 1849. GA.

m. Taming Horse .  . b. 1876. DT.

m. Tandy . Reed. b. 1807. SC.

m. Tarleton . Cotnam. b. 1892. TX.

m. Taylor. McClelland. b. 1839. OH.

f . Telitha . Moore. b. 1760. MD.

f . Tempe. Hamilton. b. 1840. TN.

f . Temperance . Crocker. b. 1810. MA.

f . Tempest . Atwell. b. 1817. KY.

f . Tempey . Hines. b. 1832. NC.

f . Tennessee. Page. b. 1838. TX.

f . Tennie . Barnes. b. 1880. CA.

f . Teodora . Pineda. b. 1837. NM.

m. Teodoro . Sandoval. b. 1850. NM.

f . Teodosia . Bledsloe. b. 1867. IN.

m. Terence . McKenna. b. 1822. Ireland.

f . Teresa . Hernandez. b. 1826. Mexico.

m. Terry . Savage. b. 1871. AR.

f . Texanna . White. b. 1856. AL.

m. Thaddeus . Paddock. b. 1822. NY.

f . Thankful . Gibbs. b. 1798. MA.

f . Thelma . White. b. 1901. KY.

m. Thelonius. Richardson. m.. 1897. NC.

m. Theo . Philpot. m.. 1886. KY.

f . Theodocia . Houston. b. 1805. NH.

m. Theodocious . Alston. b. 1840. SC.

m. Theodore . Hemmingway. b. 1838. SC.

m. Theophile . Achee. b. 1847. LA.

f . Theressa . Carr. b. 1839. MD.

m. Theron . Dyke. b. 1874. IA.

f . Thersia . Kress. b. 1879. CT.

m. Thielman . Ambush. b. 1852. IN.

m. Thomas . Hammon. b. 1836. AL.

m. Thunder Cloud .  . b. 1800. CA.

m. Thurgood . Hill. b. 1878. AL.

f . Thursday . Jones. b. 1808. NC.

f . Thursey . Cunningham. b. 1844. SC.

f . Thursia . Shepard. b. 1811. OH.

m. Tickle . Watson. b. 1860. MS.

m. Tidance . Lane. b. 1858. TN.

m. Tiger. Watkins. b. 1868. SC.

m. Tilford . Hamilton. b. 1840. MS.

f . Tillie . Fisher. b. 1853. PA.

m. Tillmon . Cannon. b. 1833. AL.

m. Timoteo . Hernandez. b. 1880. CA.

m. Timothy . Brooks. b. 1831. MA.

f . Tinker . McClanahan. b. 1877. TX.

m. Tipton . Carter. b. 1869. AL.

f . Tirza . Birdwell. b. 1801. SC.

m. Titus . Mather. b. 1825. CT.

m. Tobias . Winters. b. 1842. TX.

m. Tolbert . Gibson. b. 1829. PA.

f . Toledo. Holling. b. 1877. IA.

m. Toliver . Boyles. b. 1818. AL.

f . Tomasa . Sisneros. b. 1822. NM.

m. Torrance. Scofield. b. 1860. IL.

f . Tory . Lawson. b. 1867. AL.

f . Tracy. Perry. b. 1830. Ireland.

f . Tranqueline . McGee. b. 1870. LA.

f . Tranquilla . Andrews. b. 1850. AL.

f . Transylvania. Hamilton. b. 1854. IL.

m. Travers . Babcock. b. 1847. CT.

m. Traville . Trosclair. b. 1882. LA.

m. Travis . Banton. b. 1894. CA.

f . Treasure . Robertson. b. 1869. NV.

m. Treat . Sanford. b. 1853. CT.

m. Trenton. Elmore. b. 1823. LA.

f . Tresa . Davison. b. 1783. MD.

F . Tressy . Eaton. b. 1876. IN.

f . Trinidad. Encinas. b. 1829. NM.

m. Triphena . Wilson. b. 1831. NH.

m. Tristam . Pinkham. b. 1806. MA.

m. Triston . Pierson. b. 1848. ME.

m. Troy. Middleton. b. 1835. AL.

m. Truelove. Johnson. b. 1867. NY.

m. Truman . Sabine. b. 1875. CA.

m. Tulley . Andes. b. 1898. CA.

m. Turner . Lawson. b. 1808. TN.

f. Turtle Dove . Tomlinson. b. 1872. AR.

f . Tuscaloosa. Crudler. b. 1879. MS.

f . Tweedy . Jones. b. 1875. CA.

m. Tyler. Abby. b. 1884. SC.